Turkey hunting tips with the WON

For turkey hunters, springtime means hearing that unmistakable gobble through the cold morning mist. It startles us, jolting our brains and flooding our bodies with adrenaline. It’s an exciting feeling, to say the least. But, getting there—to where that gobbler is—takes some prep work.

Turkey hunting really starts before the season does. Scouting is key to finding good places to hunt. Y’all know I love using trail cameras for everything from deer season to shed hunting, and turkey season is no exception. I look for turkey sign throughout the property where I’m hunting, and place them where I think those birds might be. Look for tracks, droppings and telltale dustbowls. Turkeys will turn over the earth, hollowing out shallow basins in the loose dirt, to dust and preen, almost as if they are taking a bath. Hens may do this more than gobblers, but nature still works the same way: Come breeding time, where there are hens, gobblers will be close by.


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