i’m back!

Hello hello, long lost friends! My deepest apologies for going AWOL the past two weeks. I DO have a [very] valid excuse though – Mr. Lumpkin & I got married! With an incredible event created by the ah-mazing Calder Clark (think: trees in the tent & dueling Scotch bars), And then promptly went to Belize for a week of fun. With that being said, I just wanted to hop in and update y’all, and let you know that I have tons of fantastic photos & videos from our adventures in Belize. We spent 3 days bone fishing – shocking, I know – and managed to snag a trip out to the Great Blue Hole so John could dive and I could. snorkel. We GoPro’d all of our activities & took around 500 photos, so I will be sorting through it all over the next week or two and showing you just what all we did!

In the meantime, I will leave you with a photo that seems to be making its way around the interwebs & social media. It was taken by the always amazing Virgil Bunao during my bridal portrait session at John’s parent’s – the same place that this occured about a year ago! Some might find it a little cheesy (and that’s ok!), but I think it sums up who I am in a nutshell. It’s probably no surprise that having hair & makeup done and jumping in front of a camera wasn’t exactly my cup of tea (I never know what do to with my hands either, Ricky Bobby). Virgil got me through the “bridal” part of the photo session, and we casually mentioned that I did, in fact, have my favorite over/under in my car. He immediately said we had to get a photo with it, and I was all on board. Hair thrown up in a pony tail, Ray Bans on, and shotgun in hand. Here is your Bright Side of the Road bride, true to form!

I can’t wait to share the rest of the week with everyone!

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