weekend recap: Easter adventures + exciting news

It’s Fridaayyyyyy! Is anyone else as excited as I am? I got spoiled with a 3 day work week last week, having just returned from Argentina. I think it’s safe to say that I have recovered, and there’s no denying that I miss it. But, alas, I think it’s time to move on (at least until I finished the video, then we can revisit!), and get turkey season underway.

We decided to give it the old college try on Sunday morning before the Easter festivities began, and it was a beautiful morning. Bright and sunny, and the slightest bit cool – just enough to ward of the mosquitoes… Until around 8 am, at least. But hey! What’s turkey season in South Carolina without a few mosquitoes, right?

I sat with my dad, and John was a few hundred yards away. Just before sunrise, Dad and I heard a hen putt down towards the swamp, near where we’d planned to set up, but she never came our way. If there was a gobbler nearby, he stayed quiet and must have gone her way instead of ours. Sadly, we didn’t see anything. John and I went back out a little later in the morning, also to no avail. Am I in for another failed turkey season? Let’s hope not!

The rest of the weekend was filled with family, friends, and lots of fun outdoors. My brother-in-law may or may not have caught an alligator WITH HIS BARE HANDS. I mean, really. Steve Irwin, anyone?


It’s totally the same, right? Just kidding. Don’t worry, he was put back in the water safe and sound. The alligator, that is. He needs a few more feet before I come after him again.

This photo has nothing to do with anything I am talking about, I just thought you might enjoy.

Finally, on to the exciting news I mentioned. Remember when I spotted one of my recipes on this website? My venison cheeseburger bites? Well. Wide Open Spaces reached out to me, and I have accepted a position as a contributing writer on their site! Pretty exciting stuff, huh? I’ll be submitting several articles a week, so it’s certainly a time commitment. Still, even though this will be challenging, it’s right up my alley, and I am pumped to be a part of it. I will keep you posted as my articles arise!

Wish me luck!

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