trail cam tips with the WON

Happy deer season, friends! We’ve been open for a few weeks now in game zone 3, but just 5 days in zone 4, and I’ve already seen plenty of amazing photos from successful hunts around the interweb. Are you one of the lucky hunters to have bagged a buck in velvet this year? If so, I’m jealous! We’ve still got some time before the season opens on does and, since I bagged such a nice buck last year, I am definitely going to be more fastidious this season if another buck presents himself. But, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been paying attention to the woods juuuuust in case! In my latest article for Women’s Outdoor News, I go over some helpful tips on how you can get the most out of your trail cameras and have a successful deer season as a result!

WON Trail Cam Main

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Christmas success

Did the holidays absolutely fly by for anyone else? Seriously, did Christmas and New Years even happen? If it weren’t for some awesome hunts (with photos to prove it), some great gifts and gear, and the terrifying  memory of a bad hangover (thank you, Castaways), you’d think they never happened! But, like I said, I have photos to prove it.


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ducks and deer and turkeys, oh my

Oh, and quail.

But! I completely forgot to tell you about seeing a deer in my last post. Crazy! In the middle of the duck hunt, I looked across to the bank of the pond and thought, ‘Wow, did someone bring a Great Dane as their bird dog?” No kidding – a nice sized doe was trotting past the pond. Odd, and the first time I’ve ever seen a deer while duck hunting.

The fun doesn’t stop there, either.


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what do deer eat around here?

In case you didn’t already see, I put together an article on exactly what foods deer love the most around these parts, and I wanted to share it with my fellow hunters/blog followers. Whitetails aren’t exactly picky eaters, but it’s important that they get enough nutrition year-round. Here’s a list of the top 10 deer foods in the Southeast (in no particular order) to help you with your plans for the upcoming deer season!

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