the essentials: dove season

Question- Have any of these posts made you just think “Gahh I want to {dove hunt, duck hunt, fish, travel} like right now?” Girls (and non-hunting guys), has the bright side of the road inspired you to get into hunting? For some, it may mean just grabbing a camouflage shirt, throwing on some boots, and walking out of the door straight to the stand. You lucky ducks. For others, it takes a bit more planning and preparation. And as far as planning and preparation go, have any of these posts made you realize something you typically forget, or would like to have, when heading out for your adventures? Anyone who knows me knows that I have an obsession with enjoy making lists… Lots and lots of lists. Sometimes, they’re even color coded. But that is beside the point.

With dove season just around the corner, it’s my dove hunting essentials in a convenient list. Hope it helps!

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