the {unloaded} shotgun saves the day

What a tale to tell on this rainy Tuesday morning. Perusing Field & Stream this morning while enjoying my coffee, I came across this story and found it quite entertaining. A 71 year-old woman clubbed a bear- with an unloaded shotgun- that was attacking her husband in their yard, saving his life. Why was this 74 year old man in a throw-down with a 200 lb. black bear? As it turns out, the couple’s dog was in the yard barking as the bear approached, and the man ran outside to protect his dog, yelling and waving his arms to scare the bear away. Dogs are [wo]mans best friend, after all, and I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same for my Marmaduke! Successfully deterring the bear’s attention from the dog, the man himself was then chased, tackled, and bitten/clawed by the bear. Yikes.

That’s when the wife stepped in. She ran outside, shotgun in hand, to save her husband. Unfortunately, she did not know how to load the gun, so her plan of attack was to club the bear over the head, stunning it long enough for the couple and their dog to run back inside. Talk about a close call, am I right? Even though I clearly know how to load and use a shotgun, I admire this woman’s fearlessness to make do with the skills she has! I would more than likely blast away from the safety of the porch, if given a choice. I can only hope I am spry enough to club a bear at age 74 if the situation were to ever arise!

“I was so afraid the bear was going to get the dog,” he told WBAY.  ”I didn’t take time to go inside and get a gun so there I am unarmed and facing an insane bear.”
“If it hadn’t been for my wife coming out and clubbing the bear on the head, I probably wouldn’t be talking to you today.”

To read the full article or watch the news report, click here.

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