aaand I’m back

Or perhaps I just had a really good, lucky day. I shot doves with my dad last Wednesday, and went into the field a little skeptical after my last experience in this field…

The afternoon just started off on a good foot. It was a little cloudy, keeping things nice and cool. Well, around 80*, which is waayyyy better than a solid 100*. We headed into the field earlier than normal, hoping that the weather would bring in the birds to feed earlier as well. And… That’s exactly what happened. Tons of doves in the field when we pulled in. Yes! We quickly pulled out our gear and got set up.

It was even cool enough for old-lady Dixie to join us. It always makes me nervous when people bring their dogs on super hot hunts… Heck, I think I might have a heat stroke, so I can’t imagine how a black or chocolate lab covered in fur must feel. Whew.

Then, we started shooting. And by shooting, I mean bagging doves. I know that sounds so bratty and full of it, but I really have not ever had such a successful, quick hunt. I won’t go into every detail of the whole hunt, but I will tell you this: I (somehow) shot my first 5 doves in my first 5 shots, and killed my limit in 1 box of shells, and was finished in a little over an hour. Say WHAAAT?! I know! How I went from questioning if there was even shot in my shells to actually looking like I had held a gun before, I will never know. Trust me, I missed some PIE shots, naturally, but over all I would say that it was a preeetty good hunt.

Good ol’ Otis and I just had to toast with a cold beer after the hunt. My confidence is back up, and will hopefully continue as the season goes on… Perhaps it will carry me into duck season as well! Or maybe I just shot myself in the foot (no pun intended) and jinxed the whole thing.Hopefully this large rainbow I saw on the way home from the hunt will bring some good luck. And when I saw large, I mean it was the. biggest. one. I have ever seen. It was over me for at least 20 minutes while I was driving on the highway, and I could see where it was reflecting off of the road.  Pretty neat.

Nothing to do with hunting, but pretty neat.

Ok, enough of that. Have a fun weekend & happy hunting!

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