weekend recap: winding down

Can you believe duck season is almost over? Like, this. weekend. I always have this tug of emotion in the last week or two – I am, on one hand, pretty tired from traveling every weekend plus every Tuesday/Wednesday and look forward to actually sleeping in on a Saturday rather than hitting snooze at 5 am. I know, I know… There are worse problems to have! On the other hand, I know that this time next week, I will be bored, wondering when I will get to hunt again and wondering why I ever even remotely wanted duck season to come to a close even a little bit.

That said, the season is winding down, so we’re going to make the most out of our last hunts. Ducks or no ducks, we’ll be out there!

“No ducks” pretty much sums up last weekend’s hunt. At least, very few ducks. And the thing is, no one seems to have any either. It appears that they have all moved on to greener pastures colder ponds. Still, we geared up and headed out early Saturday morning. Parker (my father-in-law) was kind enough to spend the morning with an eye behind the camera lens, rather than the barrel of his shotgun. He got some great shots, even if we didn’t!

I know I’ve made it sound like zero ducks were killed, but that’s not the case. We were still able to see a few ducks, even if we didn’t get a shot, and a few other blinds knocked down a handful of birds (mostly ring necks, if I remember correctly).

By 9 o’clock, we stopped seeing ducks in the air, and we didn’t hear any shooting from the surrounding properties, so everyone decided that it was time to head in. Hot breakfast, hot coffee, and (ok, fine) cold beer & Bloody Marys were calling our names. Wouldn’t you do the same?

The rest of the morning was spent hanging out, reliving the hunt and telling other old, funny stories of past hunts. I’d do it all over again in a minute, ducks or no ducks.

There was a certain someone who wasn’t quite ready to call it a day when we did, though…

Don’t worry, buddy, we’ll try again this coming weekend!

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