weekend recap: Lake Jocassee

Hello, hello! How are y’all liking the new site? I’ve gotten lots of fantastic feedback, and I really appreciate it! Sorry things have been a little slow around here otherwise… BUT! Hunting seasons are about to start up again (2 days for deer season!!), so we’re sure to be extra busy for the next few months.


Today’s weekend recap is also (sort of) a #tbt. Two weekends ago we headed up to Lake Jocassee for the annual Rascal crew lake weekend, and it was a blast. The weekend was a blur, and we were able to do plenty of boating, dock hanging, and… paddle board fishing. YES!

You may remember us going to Jocassee last year. It’s where I made a cliff jump that did not impress those who knew I needed to be cast-free in my wedding dress a few weeks later…



That’s mostly what this post is about… I didn’t waste any time Saturday morning, hopping on the paddle board first thing. Initially, I didn’t take a fishing rod with me since I just wanted to explore the shoreline past the house. Have you ever been to Jocassee? It’s absolutely beautiful, and lacks the sometimes stifling humidity of the Lowcountry… Plus, it’s filled with bream, bass, and some monster trout. It. Is. A. Dream.

Anyway. I rounded a corner on the board and paddled into a little cove that just looked fishy. In the good way, you know? I wasn’t in there 5 minutes before I spotted a reeeaallyyy nice brown trout. Needless to say, I paddled as fast as my arms could take me back to the house, sprinted up the stairs, and grabbed the first fishing pole I found. A few minutes later, I was back in that cove and fishing.


Pardon the enormous ponytail that I am just now noticing… It apparently did not escape the humidity as it air-dried in Charleston the day before… Yikes.

So, like I said, I was fishing. Before I knew it, hours had gone by and I had successfully angled a handful of bream, 3 branches, and 1 submerged log. Not a bad morning! I also tend to forgot to let others know that I won’t be back for a while, so it wasn’t too much longer before John came searching for me – he knew I was either having some luck, or was injured. Thankfully it was the former.


Sure enough, as he pulled up, I was landing my first small mouth bass! That fish put up a good fight for its size – It was, indeed, a small small mouth bass. But, I was still pumped. Woohoo!

hfish5 hfish6hfish10

Just a little guy, yes, but he was a good note to end on for the paddle board fishing adventure of the day. It was time for lunch, then an afternoon of boating. Yes, please!

Even though that was really the extent of my fishing success (I lost a “tournament” the next morning with one of the boys, who beat me 0-1 with a bream), it was well worth the time put in.

All in all, it was an awesome weekend. Many many thanks to the McKissocks, and cheers to the Rascal crew! Until next year!

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