catch of the day

I hope you’re hungry and ready for some deliciousness. As I mentioned yesterday, the Rascal crew was successful in catching some dolphin (mahi, that is- not Flipper!) during the tournament, and we did not hesitate in whipping up a delicious meal with it as soon as we were back in town! I unfortunately did not have my camera with me, but I was able to snap a few before and afters with my phone.

This recipe is incredibly simple- you can play around with the quantities to suit the amount of fish you are preparing. You can also throw it on the grill for some extra flavor if you’re feeling the outdoors!


2  4-6 ounce mahi filets, about 1″ thick
1 heaping tbsp of capers, plus some of the liquid from the jar
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 lemon, sliced thin
2 tbsp butter
1 1/2 tsp minced garlic
2 tbsp grated (or shredded) Parmesan cheese
mixed greens


1. If you can, go out and catch some fresh fish! Then filet that beast into 4-6 ounce filets.

2. In a zip-top bag, combine lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, and the capers/liquid, along with your fish filets to marinate for 15 minutes or so. It doesn’t need to marinate too long simply because you will also be cooking it in the marinade. Non-stop flavor!

3. Using a sheet of tin foil, create a little pouch that will hold one of the filets. Place the fish inside, and pour the marinade over it so it hits the filet about half way up. Make sure you have gotten some of the capers and garlic on there, too! Repeat with the second filet. Also- preheat your oven to 375*. I always seem to forget about that part.

4. Dot the top of each filet with butter, and place two slices of lemon on top before folding the foil over and sealing the pouch. Place the pouches in a baking dish, just in case there is a leak. I say this because… The one I made leaked. Shocking, I know.

5. Bake for 22-25 minutes, or until the fish starts to be able to be flaked with a fork. And looks tender and juicy and delicious. Turn the oven to broil, and sprinkle the top evenly with the Parmesan. With the pouch open to exposed that Parmesan-crusted goodness, broil the fish for 2-3 minutes, until the cheese turns a golden brown.

6. Plate on a bed of mixed greens, pouring the liquid from the bottom of the pouch over it all. It will act as an easy, amazing “dressing” for the greens. We had new potatoes and roasted corn on the cob as sides, and thoroughly enjoyed this delicious, easy meal!

Definitely make this simple summer meal- I promise you won’t regret it!


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