holiday gift guide

As we are all well aware, holiday season is in full swing and stores everywhere did not waste a moment letting us know- Christmas music began blasting through their speakers the minute Thanksgiving Day ended. Some even started playing it a few weeks ago (ahem.. Starbucks.. I am looking at you). We all know what that means. Christmas shopping must commence. I always find it difficult to figure out what to get everyone for Christmas, especially my dad and the main squeeze. Unless someone has asked for something specific, or I have come up with something particularly clever and fitting, I find myself grasping at straws until the week before Christmas. Then what? What do you get a hunter/fisher who seems to already have everything they need? And for the guys- what do you get your outdoorswoman? Then there are your friends, other family members, and the hosts/hostesses of the multitude of holiday parties you will undoubtedly attend. No wonder it can get so stressful!

That is why I decided to put together this little holiday gift guide to give you some ideas when you think your brain might explode from all of the “what in the world do I get [him, her, them]” thinking. You can find links to each of the items below the photos. I hope this helps!

Dutch oven / The Weekend Book / Survival tool / Gun case / Fly-tying kit / Mason Jar Cocktail Shaker / Jigger / Gun-cleaning kit / Women’s and Men’s outerwear / Dog sit-about / Dog gift bucket

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