2019 Waterfowl Media Conference

Remember that scene in the movie “Home Alone,” where the McAlister family is sprinting through Chicago O’Hare in a desperate effort to make their flight? That’s exactly what I felt like dashing through the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport on my way to Saskatchewan for the 2019 Waterfowl Media Conference. It was my second year attending, and there was no way I was going to miss one second of the trip – especially, not for a missed flight.

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drake widgeon. finally.

This time flying by for anyone else? I can’t believe it’s already almost mid February! Today we are throwing it back to the very last weekend of duck season – from Wednesday to Sunday I hunted three times, for approximately 14 or so hours in the duck blind. We had some slow moments with zero ducks in sight, and we had some crazy ones with dozens upon dozens of ducks diving in right on top of us. Needless to say, it was a great weekend to end the season.

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the best one

Hi friends! I hope everyone had a happy holiday. I know I thoroughly enjoyed being around family & friends last week, as their love was much needed. (As many of you may already know) it is with teary eyes and a heavy heart that I tell you, we lost Marmaduke just before Christmas. A week ago today, in fact. That’s where my head has been, so I apologize for the complete radio silence on my end.

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happy National Dog Day!

Hello, friends! In lieu of a “Happy Monday,” I wish you all a Happy National Dog Day! As I mentioned in a previous post, where would we be without our faithful companions? In life, where would we be without them? Now, my main man Marmaduke isn’t exactly a hunting dog (he is a 9 year old Lab/Great Dane mix I rescued a few years ago), but I love him more than words. So whether your pup chases down birds for you, sits on the bow of your boat with his tongue lolling out in the wind, or is simply there for you when you get home from work with a wagging tail and unmatched excitement, it is hard to beat the bond we have with [wo]man’s best friend. So give your four-legged friend an extra hug and treat today!

I will leave you with just a few of my favorite photos of the pups in our life 🙂

Dixie the Hunting Dog
Prine – on his way to being an incredible hunting dog
Sweetest boy ever
 Tipsi – definitely not a hunter. Definitely entertaining.
Hay gurl.
Too cute to stand it.
Dixie at her post.
Who can’t wait to see their pup?

DU Wounded Warrior Tribute II

Come out and support a great cause and a great foundation at the 2012 Wounded Warrior Tribute in Georgetown! The event is Saturday, December 15 at Annandale Plantation (see invitation below). Through Patriot Hunts and the Georgetown, SC chapter of Ducks Unlimited, nearly 30 soldiers from Ft. Bragg will spend the weekend in Georgetown at various plantations hunting, tower shooting, and enjoying the beautiful Lowcountry. This really is a wonderful event- good friends, good food, live music (Darryl Worley!), and, most importantly, showing support for those who risk their lives to defend our country.

See the invitation below for details on how to get your tickets. For more information on the Wounded Warrior Project, click here. Hope to see you there!


holiday gift guide

As we are all well aware, holiday season is in full swing and stores everywhere did not waste a moment letting us know- Christmas music began blasting through their speakers the minute Thanksgiving Day ended. Some even started playing it a few weeks ago (ahem.. Starbucks.. I am looking at you). We all know what that means. Christmas shopping must commence. I always find it difficult to figure out what to get everyone for Christmas, especially my dad and the main squeeze. Unless someone has asked for something specific, or I have come up with something particularly clever and fitting, I find myself grasping at straws until the week before Christmas. Then what? What do you get a hunter/fisher who seems to already have everything they need? And for the guys- what do you get your outdoorswoman? Then there are your friends, other family members, and the hosts/hostesses of the multitude of holiday parties you will undoubtedly attend. No wonder it can get so stressful!

That is why I decided to put together this little holiday gift guide to give you some ideas when you think your brain might explode from all of the “what in the world do I get [him, her, them]” thinking. You can find links to each of the items below the photos. I hope this helps!

Dutch oven / The Weekend Book / Survival tool / Gun case / Fly-tying kit / Mason Jar Cocktail Shaker / Jigger / Gun-cleaning kit / Women’s and Men’s outerwear / Dog sit-about / Dog gift bucket