the best one

Hi friends! I hope everyone had a happy holiday. I know I thoroughly enjoyed being around family & friends last week, as their love was much needed. (As many of you may already know) it is with teary eyes and a heavy heart that I tell you, we lost Marmaduke just before Christmas. A week ago today, in fact. That’s where my head has been, so I apologize for the complete radio silence on my end.

It wasn’t as though we weren’t expecting it at all (he hadn’t been doing well for some time), but it was definitely more sudden than I had planned. I won’t go into details, but I guess it was just his time to cross Rainbow Bridge, and he passed in my arms and John’s, with an earful of “I love you,” and reminders that he was “the best one.”

I had dogs growing up, of course, but Marmaduke was really my first dog – I found him at through a rescue and adopted him on my own. Although this has been much harder than I thought it would be (I cried when I knocked over a mug of hot chocolate a few days ago…), I am constantly reminded of how lucky I was to have such a sweet soul in my life at all. The outpouring of love & support has been incredible – I am happy to know Marmaduke was so loved by so many. Those big paws and impossibly large tongue, and that big nose that always found a way to nudge your hand into rubbing his head… Whether he was trotting down the beach with a full-sized soccer ball in his mouth, or trying to convince you that he was, indeed, a lap dog and therefore could (and should) sit in your lap, Marmaduke was such a joy to have in my life.

He may not have been a hunting dog, but I could always count on him to be right there when I got home, tail wagging (and perhaps clearing coffee tables at the same time) with a big smile on his happy face. And let’s not forget about whatever toy he could get his paws on, perpetually held in his big jowls. My memories of him will always warm my heart and make me smile.

The Duke. The Old Man. The sweetest soul there ever was. The best one.
I love you, I miss you, and I will forever hold you so dear in my heart.

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