weekend recap: too early?

Anyone else wondering where this chilly weather came from, and what happened to that glorious 70* weekend we had not too long ago? This girl, for sure. Needless to say, the cold weather didn’t stop me from trying my hand as some more shed hunting over the weekend. Despite the 200 mp winds (ok, ok… I’m exaggerating, but only a little) and close to freezing temperatures, I gathered my gear and some warm layers and headed out. I was on a mission, as I have little to show for my shed hunting success this year so far. No pun intended.

Seriously. That’s the only one I have found, and that little guy is definitely from last year. Maybe even 2 years ago. It’s pretty worn, and I am not convinced a critter or two hasn’t nibbles on the end. All in all, I walked/hunted for about 7 miles worth of woods, according to my fitness tracker. Check plus for weekend exercise, yes, but I came up empty handed. Every time I thought I spotted a shed out in a field, or saw something peeking out from beneath some pine straw, I’d find bones. A small doe skeleton, some unidentified backbones, and the tiniest rodent skull with his big front chompers still intact were my great finds.

I think the eagles around here have been snacking, if you ask me. I did come away with some good photos, thanks to the Mr., though. Oh, and some pretty clear evidence of where the turkeys have been…

This is apparently the face I make when I am concentrating/flustered, wondering if I have just walked 3 extra miles through the woods for no reason. Cute. So, what now? I checked all of my best spots, and found zero sheds. Have the deer moved to another property, or am I just a bit early this year? Just to make sure it’s the latter of the two, we set up a trail cam in a spot that always has deer, and put out some deer attractant. I’m hoping that when I check the camera this weekend, I will find a.) deer (obviously), b.) bucks (again, duh), and c.) whether or not those bucks have even dropped their antlers yet. Maybe I’ll even get a cool picture of a half rack? Who knows.

Or maybe I just jinxed myself, and I’ll end up with 8gb worth of photos of turkeys and racoons eating. And still find zero sheds.
I guess that’s why they call it hunting, huh? Wish me luck!

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