weekend recap – that’s why they call it hunting

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is having a good week so far… I have to say, it is hard sitting in an office after spending a weekend outside in beautiful weather! We headed up to Georgetown Friday evening, although we didn’t make it there in time to get in the stand before it got dark. No bother! There’s always Saturday, I told myself. Besides, who would want to miss this sunset view as you arrive?


I KNOW. It can’t even be real. So we enjoyed this, with a cold beer in hand. It’s the future site of a certain super fun shindig 🙂

Come Saturday morning, it was play with the dogs/4-wheeler time. I think that might be one of my most favorite things do to. Rummaging around in the woods, following trails, and seeing all sorts of good stuff definitely makes for a fun Saturday.


Aren’t they just the best?


Marmaduke is always all smiles, especially with this special yellow pig. I swear it’s like I have a toddler.


And now Prine wants his close-up.


How incredible? In the middle of the woods, there is a lone “beach tree,” as I called them growing up.


Look closely…


Do you see big Mr. Gator getting his suntan on?


Ok, ok. By the time 4 pm rolled around, I was ready to do some hunting. I hopped on one 4-wheeler, John on the other, and we headed off to two different stands with the hope that spreading out meant we would see more deer. And by more deer, I of course mean a huge buck.


So, I climbed in the stand and sat. And hunted hard. And kept sitting. An enormous fox squirrel decided to have a party and be oh so loud. I thought there had to be a hog rustling around, but it was not to be. Thanks, fox squirrel.


What’s that I see down there? Just my eyes playing tricks on me again…


But it was pretty entertaining to watch this massive hawk fly around for a few minutes, doing a little hunting of his own. He looks small here, but those pines are rrrrreal tall.


Alas, I saw nothing for about 2 hours. In fact, it was sitting in the stand with this view that gave me idea to do trailing tip post. As I stared hard through the woods hoping to see something, I also thought about how difficult it could be to trail a deer through those woods if I did indeed wound one. Then, just before dark {it really was too dark to shoot at this point} I saw a deer to my right in the little food plot. A doe or a spike, I could not tell. And you know how the saying goes – if you don’t know, don’t shoot! So, I didn’t. Instead, I waited a few more minutes, packed up my gear, and heading back to the house.

I guess what I am saying is, that’s why they call it hunting! No luck here, or where John sat. We didn’t come home empty handed, though! My buck was ready at the processor, so we scooped it up on Sunday heading home. And you know what I did? I made something super delicious. So delicious, in fact, that it was lunch and dinner yesterday. And probably lunch again today. Are you excited?

Any guesses?

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