weekend recap: too late?

Yes… I know… A few weeks ago, I thought that I might have been too early to find any sheds. I walked and searched miles and miles, from deep in the woods to wide open food plots, only to come up empty handed. I summed it up to the “fact” that bucks in the Lowcountry just hadn’t quite dropped their antlers. I was just early, right?

Well. Well, well, well. Can you guess what I did over the weekend? If you guessed “shed hunt,” give yourself a quick high-five. If was beautiful outside, and I wasn’t about to waste it. Do you know who you shouldn’t high-five? This girl. I did not find. one. single. shed. Seriously! I checked everywhere I thought could potentially produce a shed, and everywhere in between. I even came across some of the best game trails I have ever seen. And yet, no sheds.

 No people walk here – only game. A game highway.

Sigh. My lack of success has me wondering if maybe I am a tad late now, knowing that all sorts of squirrels and other critters love to abscond with antlers because of their high mineral content. Maybe I waited just long enough between my shed hunts to give those critters enough time to feast. I guess I will never know now, huh?

That’s not to say I didn’t find anything on my adventures. I actually came across more bones than I ever have before – from rodents to deer, and even an alligator and a pelican. We’re thinking that all of the drastic changes in weather we’ve had over the past month or two played a part in that toll. It was strange, for sure.

There’s lots o’ teeth in an alligator’s mouth. Yikes.

Needless to say, I was pretty beat by the end of the day. I had covered a ton of ground, and was sufficiently wiped out. It wasn’t even 9:30 before Miss Bess (one of my in-laws pups) and I were out cold in a chair together.

Seriously, she turns into a noodle when she’s tired – you can put her in any position to sleep, and she will not move. It’s safe to say we slept like babies, waking up refreshed on Sunday morning. Refreshed, but still empty-handed. Sunday was filled with 4-wheeler excursions and a tad more shed hunting, but not before I did a little “window” shopping… I mean, you know what’s just around the corner, right?

The time to gear up and go head-to-toe camouflage is almost here!
Are you excited?

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